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Finding top memory consumers in Safari

Update: see also part two

Activity Monitor manages to do this, but it's not clear what hooks it has into asking Safari for the mapping between URLs and pids. If you enable a debug option to append pids to tab names, you can get at it with AppleScript, like so:

# Enable Safari's debug menu with
#   defaults write IncludeInternalDebugMenu 1
# Enable showing pid in tab titles by choosing
#   Debug...Miscellaneous Flags...Show Web Process IDs in Page Titles
# With that configured, this script will show tabs that ordered by
# memory consumption, descending.
# Combine with fzf to facilitate killing the tabs:
#   kill $(./ | fzf -m --no-sort | awk '{ print $1 }')

join <(
	echo 'tell application "Safari"
	set windowCount to count of windows
	repeat with windowIndex from 1 to windowCount
		set tabCount to count of tabs of window windowIndex
		repeat with tabIndex from 1 to tabCount
			set currentTab to tab tabIndex of window windowIndex
			set tabName to name of currentTab
			set tabURL to URL of currentTab
			log tabName & "\t" & tabURL
		end repeat
	end repeat
	end tell
	' | osascript 2> /dev/stdout | perl -pe 's,^.* ([0-9]+)\](.*)$,$1 $2,' | sort) <(
	ps -e -opid=,rss= | awk  'BEGIN { OFS="\t" } { print $1, int($2/1024.0) }' | sort) | sort -n -r -k 3